g168models.h File Reference

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#define _SPANDSP_G168MODELS_H_
#define LINE_MODEL_D2_GAIN   1.39E-5f
#define LINE_MODEL_D3_GAIN   1.44E-5f
#define LINE_MODEL_D4_GAIN   1.52E-5f
#define LINE_MODEL_D5_GAIN   1.77E-5f
#define LINE_MODEL_D6_GAIN   9.33E-6f
#define LINE_MODEL_D7_GAIN   1.51E-5f
#define LINE_MODEL_D8_GAIN   2.33E-5f
#define LINE_MODEL_D9_GAIN   1.33E-5f


const int32_t line_model_d2_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d3_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d4_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d5_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d6_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d7_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d8_coeffs []
const int32_t line_model_d9_coeffs []
const float level_measurement_bp_coeffs []
const int css_c1 []
const int css_c3 []
const int tones_6_4_2_7 [][2]

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

const int css_c1[]

Initial value:

     -155,   276,   517,   578,   491,   302,    86,  -103,
     -207,  -198,    60,   190,   543,   948,  1362,  1741,
     2043,  2276,  2422,  2500,  2552,  2595,  2655,  2758,
     2896,  3060,  3224,  3370,  3500,  3569,  3603,  3603,
     3595,  3586,  3595,  3638,  3724,  3819,  3922,  4000,
     4043,  4034,  3974,  3862,  3724,  3577,  3439,  3336,
     3267,  3224,  3198,  3172,  3129,  3043,  2914,  2750,
     2560,  2353,  2155,  1991,  1853,  1750,  1672,  1603,
     1534,  1440,  1310,  1146,   965,   776,   603,   448,
      345,   276,   250,   250,   267,   267,   241,   190,
      103,    -9,  -138,  -267,  -388,  -491,  -569,  -638,
     -698,  -759,  -813,  -888,  -957, -1034, -1103, -1146,
    -1181, -1190, -1198, -1215, -1259, -1327, -1457, -1629,
    -1853, -2121, -2414, -2707, -3017, -3319, -3612, -3913,
    -4224, -4560, -4922, -5301, -5715, -6137, -6560, -6948,
    -7301, -7568, -7732, -7758, -7620, -7310, -6810, -6155,
    -5344, -4439, -3474, -2508, -1595,  -802
The composite source signal "voiced" section from section C.1 of G.168.

const int css_c3[]

The composite source signal "voiced" section from section C.3 of G.168.

Initial value:

    0.0000,    0.0006,    0.0005,    0.0004,    0.0011,
    0.0000,    0.0015,   -0.0003,    0.0012,   -0.0002,
    0.0000,    0.0002,   -0.0020,    0.0005,   -0.0040,
    0.0000,   -0.0047,   -0.0019,   -0.0033,   -0.0047,
    0.0000,   -0.0068,    0.0036,   -0.0057,    0.0054,
    0.0000,    0.0044,    0.0095,    0.0017,    0.0188,
    0.0000,    0.0225,    0.0024,    0.0163,    0.0092,
    0.0000,    0.0164,   -0.0210,    0.0161,   -0.0375,
    0.0000,   -0.0406,   -0.0357,   -0.0267,   -0.0871,
    0.0000,   -0.1420,    0.0289,   -0.1843,    0.0475,
    0.8006,    0.0475,   -0.1843,    0.0289,   -0.1420,
    0.0000,   -0.0871,   -0.0267,   -0.0357,   -0.0406,
    0.0000,   -0.0375,    0.0161,   -0.0210,    0.0164,
    0.0000,    0.0092,    0.0163,    0.0024,    0.0225,
    0.0000,    0.0188,    0.0017,    0.0095,    0.0044,
    0.0000,    0.0054,   -0.0057,    0.0036,   -0.0068,
    0.0000,   -0.0047,   -0.0033,   -0.0019,   -0.0047,
    0.0000,   -0.0040,    0.0005,   -0.0020,    0.0002,
    0.0000,   -0.0002,    0.0012,   -0.0003,    0.0015,
    0.0000,    0.0011,    0.0004,    0.0005,    0.0006,
The filter coefficients for the bandpass filter specified for level measurements in section of G.168.

const int32_t line_model_d2_coeffs[]

Initial value:

      -436,   -829,  -2797,  -4208, -17968, -11215,  46150,  34480,
    -10427,   9049,  -1309,  -6320,    390,  -8191,  -1751,  -6051,
     -3796,  -4055,  -3948,  -2557,  -3372,  -1808,  -2259,  -1300, 
     -1098,   -618,   -340,    -61,    323,    419,    745,    716,
       946,    880,   1014,    976,   1033,   1091,   1053,   1042,
       794,    831,    899,    716,    390,    313,    304,    304, 
        73,   -119,   -109,   -176,   -359,   -407,   -512,   -580,
      -704,   -618,   -685,   -791,   -772,   -820,   -839,   -724  
The line model from section D.2 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.2 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d3_coeffs[]

Initial value:

      -381,    658,   1730,    -51,  -3511,  -1418,   7660,   8861,
     -8106, -21370,  -5307,  23064,  24020,   1020, -12374, -16296,
    -19524,  -7480,  13509,  17115,  13952,  13952,     97,  -9326,
     -9046, -15208,  -9853,  -3858,  -1979,   6029,   5616,   7214,
      6820,   3935,   3919,    921,   1316,   -693,   -759,  -1517,
     -2176,  -2028,  -2654,  -1814,  -2077,  -1468,  -1221,   -842,
      -463,   -298,    -68,     64,    493,    723,    789,    954,
       756,    839,    872,   1020,    789,    822,    558,    658,
       476,    377,    377,    262,     97,    -68,   -183,   -232,
      -331,   -347,   -430,   -314,   -430,   -463,   -463,   -414,
      -381,   -479,   -479,   -512,   -479,   -397,   -430,   -397,
      -298,   -265,   -249,   -216,   -249,   -265,   -166,   -232
The line model from section D.3 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.3 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d4_coeffs[]

Initial value:

      -448,   -436,   2230,   2448,  -4178,  -7050,   5846,  18581,
      2322, -26261, -16249,  21637,  25649,  -2267, -10311,  -4693,
    -12690,  -7428,  14164,  13467,   4438,   8627,    456, -11879,
     -6352,  -5104,  -7496,   3271,   6566,   4277,  11131,   7562,
      1475,   3728,  -3525,  -7301,  -3101,  -9269,  -6146,  -2553,
     -6272,    811,    124,    788,   5147,   2172,   5387,   4598,
      3535,   4004,   2311,   2150,   1017,    330,   -139,   -573,
     -1100,  -1157,  -1180,  -1455,  -1123,  -1386,  -1123,  -1066,
     -1020,  -1100,  -1008,  -1077,  -1088,   -917,   -917,   -963,
      -814,   -871,   -734,   -642,   -562,   -356,   -379,   -345,
      -230,   -233,   -333,   -356,   -390,   -310,   -265,   -368,
      -310,   -310,   -390,   -482,   -459,   -482,   -551,   -573
The line model from section D.4 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.4 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d5_coeffs[]

Initial value:

       160,    312,   -241,   -415,    897,    908,  -1326,  -1499,
      2405,   3347,  -3624,  -7733,   4041,  14484,  -1477, -21739,
     -4470,  25356,  11458, -19696, -11800,   5766,    789,   6633,
     14624,  -6975, -17156,   -187,    149,   1515,  14907,   4345,
     -7128,  -2757, -10185,  -7083,   6850,   3944,   6969,   8694,
     -4068,  -3852,  -5793,  -9371,    453,   1060,   3965,   9463, 
      2393,   2784,   -892,  -7366,  -3376,  -5847,  -2399,   3011,
      1537,   6623,   4205,   1602,   1592,  -4752,  -3646,  -5207,
     -5577,   -501,  -1174,   4041,   5647,   4628,   7252,   2123, 
      2654,   -881,  -4113,  -3244,  -7289,  -3830,  -4600,  -2508,
       431,   -144,   4184,   2372,   4617,   3576,   2382,   2839,
      -404,    539,  -1803,  -1401,  -1705,  -2269,   -783,  -1608, 
      -220,   -306,    257,    615,    225,    561,      8,    344,
       127,    -57,    182,     41,    203,   -111,     95,    -79,
        30,     84,    -13,    -68,   -241,    -68,    -24,     19, 
       -57,    -24,     30,    -68,     84,   -155,    -68,     19
The line model from section D.5 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.5 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d6_coeffs[]

Initial value:

       293,    268,    475,    460,    517,    704,    581,    879,
       573,    896,    604,    787,    561,    538,    440,     97,
       265,   -385,     20,   -938,   -523,  -1438,  -1134,  -1887,
     -1727,  -1698,  -4266, -22548, -43424,   2743,  25897,   7380,
     21499,  11983,  10400,  11667,   3889,   7241,    925,   2018,
      -821,  -2068,  -2236,  -4283,  -3406,  -5022,  -4039,  -4842,
     -4104,  -4089,  -3582,  -2978,  -2734,  -1805,  -1608,   -645,
      -495,    279,    471,    947,   1186,   1438,   1669,   1640,
      1901,   1687,   1803,   1543,   1566,   1342,   1163,    963, 
       733,    665,    323,    221,    -14,   -107,   -279,   -379,
      -468,   -513,   -473,   -588,   -612,   -652,   -616,   -566,
      -515,   -485,   -404,   -344,   -290,   -202,   -180,   -123
The line model from section D.6 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.6 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d7_coeffs[]

Initial value:

        29,    109,    -83,    198,   -294,   -135,   -415,   -202,
      -444,   -337,   -313,   -450,   -105,   -503,    145,   -490,
       267,   -231,    340,     77,    343,    783,    158,   1341,
       195,   1798,    344,   1845,    629,   1604,   1182,    940,
      5163,  19522,   8421, -50953,  -9043,  18046, -13553,  13336,
     -3471,   -107,   1788,  -7409,   2469,  -7994,    490,  -3860,
      -837,    490,   -636,   3682,   1141,   5019,   2635,   5025,
      3946,   4414,   4026,   3005,   3380,   1616,   2007,    158,
       388,  -1198,  -1117,  -2134,  -2547,  -2589,  -3310,  -2778,
     -3427,  -2779,  -3116,  -2502,  -2399,  -1956,  -1539,  -1239,
      -570,   -377,    251,    331,    964,   1177,   1449,   1564, 
      1724,   1871,   1767,   1802,   1630,   1632,   1379,   1271,
      1063,    856,    711,    482,    289,     54,   -137,   -321,
      -490,   -638,   -764,   -836,   -800,   -859,   -838,   -837,
      -834,   -740,   -673,   -581,   -493,   -436,   -327,   -201
The line model from section D.7 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.8 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d8_coeffs[]

Initial value:

       258,   -111,    337,   -319,    347,   -434,    192,   -450,
      -108,   -343,   -596,   -177,  -1187,    -52,  -1781,   -147,
     -1959,   -326,  -1601,  -1389, -13620,   -720,  33818, -10683,
     -6742,  12489,  -9862,   8950,  -1574,    758,   3526,  -3118,
      2421,  -8966,  -4901,  11385,  18072, -14410,  -7473,  19836,
    -16854,  -3115,   9483, -17799,   7399,  -4342,  -7415,   7929,
    -10726,   6239,  -2526,  -1317,   5345,  -4565,   6868,  -2195,
      3425,   1969,   -109,   3963,  -1275,   3087,   -892,   1239,
         2,   -427,    596,  -1184,    551,  -1244,    141,   -743, 
      -415,   -372,   -769,   -183,   -785,   -270,   -659,   -377,
      -523,   -325,   -245,   -255,    -60,     35,    218,    149,
       340,    233,    365,    303,    251,    230,    209,    179
The line model from section D.8 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.8 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int32_t line_model_d9_coeffs[]

Initial value:

        80,     31,      4,     42,     42,    -61,    -81,    -64,
       121,   -102,    -26,   1002,  -9250, -22562,  39321,  35681,
    -35289,  25312,  -1457,   -229,  15659,  -6786,  16791,   3860,
      2239, -28730, -11885,  33871,   -176, -16421,  18173,  -9669,
    -10163,   9941, -19365,   3592,  -5907, -10257,   5336, -12933,
      4348,  -4802,  -1791,   3035,  -4433,   5553,  -2596,   3992,
      1255,   1450,   4079,    324,   4340,   1059,   3083,   1917,
      1756,   2478,   1027,   1871,    845,   1284,    813,    806,
       869,    471,    646,    438,    449,    432,    473,    394,
       452,    538,    717,    723,    850,    756,    753,    899,
       555,    669,    619,    500,    650,    615,    516,    492,
       427,    291,    356,    147,    107,    -50,    -88,    -59,
      -238,   -165,   -183
The line model from section D.9 of G.168.

These are the coefficients for the line simulation model defined in section D.9 of G.168. It may be used with the fir32_xxx routines to build a line simulator.

const int tones_6_4_2_7[][2]

Initial value:

    { 697,    0},
    { 941,    0},
    {1336,    0},
    {1633,    0},
    { 697, 1209},
    { 770, 1336},
    { 852, 1477},
    { 941, 1633},
    {   0,    0}
From section of G.168 - Test No. 6 Non-divergence on narrow-band signals. These tones and tone pairs are each applied for 5 seconds.

Generated on Tue Oct 7 20:25:51 2008 for spandsp by  doxygen 1.5.6